MATL Portfolio

Instructor View

In your preferred web browser, login to Foliotek: 
Foliotek does not use your Gonzaga username and password. If you have questions about your account, please contact Gonzaga's IDD support team.
An instructor can access and review any student portfolio that they have permissions to when you like. If you need access to an individual student, or a  group of students, please contact 

To look up a particular student:

Enter all or part of the student name in the STUDENT SEARCH box and click on the magnifying glass.

To look up a group of students:

Click on the magnifying glass to open the advanced search box and to see a list of all students you have permissions to review.

To open a student portfolio:

1. Click on the student's name in the result list from either of the steps above.

2. The full portfolio structure will be displayed with each section collapsed. You can expand one area at a time, or select the option to expand all areas. Please note, if this is a robust portfolio, it may take a few seconds to expand the full structure. 

4. Next to each area of the portfolio you can see the date last modified - this includes uploading items, adding journal entries, or editing a built-in form.

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